Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How Can I Use Tutor Flyers to Get My Job Off the Ground?

How Can I Use Tutor Flyers to Get My Job Off the Ground?Tutor flyers are wonderful ways to get the word out about your career and how you will help children. We're all aware of the jobs online that allow individuals to provide their valuable skills to a variety of different clients, but what about those of us who have a hand in creating a campaign? How do we work together and promote our own services with small packets of flyers, using just the right fonts, color, and layouts?First, I'll give you some information on the techniques you can use for your flyers to ensure success, while being mindful of how you create them. Most flyers must contain specific sections like graphics, a handout, and a short description. The main concept is to use these to attract attention as well as to stay concise. You will want to use a few simple graphics which include ones that depict your logo or a website address.Another technique that's becoming more popular and relevant is the use of flyer samples t hat are already pre-designed. These are easy to place on your flyers and include all the needed info. Make sure you keep it simple, without adding a lot of text.Finally, you should use flyer samples that feature a quote. Just be sure you include the person's name in the sample flyer so that they have the option to click on it to have you add their information for future reference.The main benefits to this technique is that it will save you time and effort as well as help you increase your clientele. Once your flyer is complete, you can place it in an area that gets lots of foot traffic. Make sure you keep the ad direct to the point, not getting too bogged down with too much information.Remember, these flyer samples are not required to make your campaign successful. Just put some up, make a few minor changes, and then you can begin writing your entire campaign.Last, but not least, it's always a perfect time to start looking for contractors. This way, you can focus on making money and not waste your money on other things.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Creating Classroom Behavior Charts that Actually Work!

Creating Classroom Behavior Charts that Actually Work! Classroom behavior charts, or daily report cards, are a common evidence-based intervention for kids with ADHD. When used correctly, they are an excellent tool that can help students with ADHD stay more focused, organized, and in control of their behavior. Too often classroom behavior charts arent designed or used correctly for students with ADHD, and as a result, the intervention leads to no improvement or very temporary improvement in the childs attention or behavior. In my previous post I discussed guidelines for creating effective behavior charts at home for kids with ADHD. Many of these guidelines apply to classroom behavior charts as well, but there are important additional details to attend to when charts are used at school. The good news is that just like home behavior charts, when you follow these guidelines youre setting a child up for success and are likely to see improvements in his or her ADHD symptoms and behaviors. Classroom Behavior Chart Guidelines Write clear and positive behavior goals. Your chart should communicate to your student exactly what it is that he or she needs to do to succeed. Always write the goals in a way that tells your student what to do rather than what not to do. For example, Raise a quiet hand and wait to be called on before you speak, is a much more effective goal than, Dont shout out answers before youve been called on. The first example communicates to your student exactly what it is you expect of him or her. Not only do you want him or her to stop shouting out answers before he or she has been called on, but you want him or her to sit quietly and raise his or her hand. It leaves very little room for misinterpretation! Focus on behaviors that occur frequently across activities and situations. The most successful behavior charts are those that focus on a few key problematic ADHD-related behaviors that occur throughout the day across many different classroom activities and situations. For example, Keep your hands and feet to yourself, is an effective goal that can be used all day in almost any situation. In contrast, Dont grab pencils from your neighbor during Writers Workshop, only targets a behavior during one activity. Choose goals that are within reach. Create behavior goals that your student can achieve at least 80% of the time. Goals should aim to stretch your student beyond the point he or she is at right now, while still being within reach. This might mean that you focus on intermediate behavior goals that are a step in the right direction, rather than ultimate end goals. Using reminders can be an easy way to create intermediate goals. For example, if you add a goal called, Get started right away, when your student has never (or only rarely) ever done this in the past, then he or she will probably not be successful. Instead, you can set an intermediate goal of, Get started right away with only 1 reminder. You can drop the reminder once they have mastered this goal. Include no more than 4 behavior goals on the chart. Most kids with ADHD can handle only 3 or 4 behavior goals on a classroom behavior chart. If more goals are included, students and teachers quickly lose track of them. The easiest way to keep the number of goals small, is to follow guideline #2 above: Focus on behaviors that occur frequently throughout the day. In addition, start with the highest priority behaviors. Then, over time, once those behavior goals have been mastered, you can replace them with new targets. Provide feedback and ratings consistently at multiple time points throughout the day. The least effective classroom behavior charts are those that are rated by teachers only at the end of the school day. Students with ADHD need constant feedback about their behavior, in the form of verbal praise and physical ratings on their behavior charts. Behavior chart check-in times should occur at least twice a day, and ideally three times a day. To be consistent, link check-in times to regularly occurring daily activities, like before lunch or after morning recess. Always share the ratings with your student at each check-in period. Between check-ins, praise your student when you see him or her behaving in a way that is consistent with his or her goals. Some older students with milder ADHD symptoms can switch to a single check-in at the end of the day after they have had their behavior chart in place for at least a few weeks. In these cases, continue to provide praise throughout the day and swi tch back to a 3-times per day schedule if your student starts to slip on his or her behavior goals. Use a positive points-based rating system. All classroom behavior charts should include a point goal that the student should aim for each day. These types of systems reward the child with points when he or she does something well and move him or her closer to his or her goal. In contrast, negative points-based systems punish a child when he or she doesnt do something well and move him or her further away from his or her daily goal. For example, if a child starts off the day with 10 points, and then loses a point every time they violate a classroom rule, then they are being punished rather than rewarded. Negative systems are less motivating and less effective for all kids, and especially kids with ADHD. systems should also be avoided because the sad faces act like a punishment and can be highly demotivating. Set daily point goal targets that dont require perfection. When kids are learning new behaviors or improving behaviors that are difficult for them, they will make mistakes. If daily point goal targets require kids to achieve each of their behavior goals 100% of the time, then they will rarely reach their daily target and will quickly lose interest in their behavior chart. Instead, set daily point targets that are between 70% - 80% of the total number of possible points that the student could earn in a day. Provide consistent daily rewards at school or at home. Kids with ADHD need frequent rewards to stay motivated. Rewards should be provided every day that the daily point goal is achieved. School-based rewards can work well, but in cases where strong parent-teacher communication is feasible, rewards provided at home by parents who have reviewed the classroom chart are even more effective. For kids who prefer larger rewards, weekly rewards can be used in addition to daily rewards. Whats most important is that the rewards are highly motivating for the student. If you notice that the student has stopped putting effort into his or her behavior goals, then revisit the reward options and find out if the student is still motivated to earn them. Classroom behavior charts that are designed specifically for students with ADHD can be highly effective when they are used consistently. Focus on setting clear, achievable goals and point targets, providing regular check-ins and feedback throughout the day, and providing rewards that your student is excited to earn. Your effort will pay off when you see big improvements in your students behavior! ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

Language Learning 101 Top Strategies and Tools

Language Learning 101 Top Strategies and Tools Language Learning 101: Top Strategies and Tools Kató Lomb is my favorite polyglot.She was, to put it mildly, a total badass.She became one of the first simultaneous interpreters  and learned 16 languages.The primary part of her learning method involved reading books.Let me say that again: She taught herself languages to the point where she was able to do the most mind-bogglingly difficult kind of interpretation, by reading.But how? Like, what exactly did she do?Id love to know, because Id like to do it, too.Lombs book  How I Learn Languages  goes into some detail about her methods, but not as much as you might expect considering the sheer level of awesomeness she achieved.Polyglots today, too, willing as they may be to share their language learning philosophies and opinions, can often be difficult to emulate.It can even seem like many people who have learned languages have basically no idea how they did it.Thats not to say you shouldnt try to gain useful tips from language learning superstars. And yes, there are strategies that h ave actually been shown to be effective for language learning.But more importantly, there are multiple strategies that seem to be effective for language learning.As a learner, you owe it to yourself not to be limited by any one persons idea of what works.Today, were going to take a long, relaxed look at some tools, strategies and resources that seem to be helpful for learners. Well also see what research and science have to say about them.Consider this post a sort of dashboard you can use to maximize the comfort, efficiency and fun of your personal language learning.Ready to get started? Language Learning 101: Top Strategies and ToolsThe Best Way to Learn a Language: What Language Learning Strategies Really Work?Below are some language learning methods that show promise.Its important to remember that no study about something as subjective as language learning will be 100% definitive.Its also worth mentioning that one approach probably wont do everything for you. In fact, theres ev idence that using more strategies can mean more successful language learning.And one more thing before we begin: We talk about learning styles in the language learning community a lot, with the best of intentions. But you should know that, scientifically speaking, the idea of learning styles is bogus.Sure, you may prefer certain ways of learning to other ways of learning, and if they help you feel inspired to study, great! But again, theres no reason to limit yourself based on a preconceived idea of how you learn best. This is an open bar, so help yourself.Spaced RepetitionYou may have seen some language learning programs advertising that they use some form of SRS, meaning a spaced repetition system or spaced repetition software.  Simply put, the idea behind spaced repetition is that when youre studying to memorize something, reviewing the material at spaced intervals is more effective than mashing it into a single session.Spaced repetition isnt just about algorithms in apps, its a broader concept thats been shown to be generally effective. What this means in plain English is that regular review is important and helpful.Many hardcore learners swear by the flashcard system Anki, which has become a staple of input-based learning. Some use it as their regular method of study and to learn a lot of vocabulary very fast.Heres something to keep in mind, though: Its not necessarily important to make SRS-based learning your main study approach. For many people, thats not even realistic, especially if youre making your own flashcards. Continually creating your own learning system is a lot of work.Thankfully, you dont have to be an input hound to take advantage of SRS. In fact,  using SRS for review for just a few minutes a day can improve your retention by leaps and bounds. One study involving EFL students showed that students who spent as little as three minutes a day on computer-generated spaced repetition exercises  retained nearly three times as much vocab as other students.Later on in this post, well look at some specific SRS-based tools you can use for your learning.Comprehensible InputComprehensible input is a term used by linguist Stephen Krashen to describe a concept that means pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Its the idea that learners need to be able to understand the material theyre reading or listening to in order for natural learning to take place.This doesnt mean that you cant be taking in material thats a bit over your head. In fact, thats part of the idea: By deducing the parts you dont know from what you do know, you learn the language.Comprehensible input  seems to be  effective for vocabulary retention. Theres additional evidence that input-based study can have many positive effects on language acquisition.So thats all well and good, right? But it may not immediately be obvious how you can apply this to your own studies. How can you ensure your study material meets comprehensible input standards?Here are a few ideas:Use graded readers. These make it easier for you to select and read more material at your level, which gets you more appropriate input, faster.Learn core vocabulary first.  This doesnt directly provide you with level-appropriate material, of course. But learning the most common words in a language first will give you a greater variety of texts and listening material to choose from. Which will, in turn, give you more input.Listen to and read your input extensively. In order for comprehensible input to be effective, it doesnt just need to be comprehensible. You also need to actually take in a substantial amount of it.For some insight on what exactly extensive reading and listening is, read on.Intensive and Extensive Reading and ListeningYou can read for enjoyment over a longer period of time (extensive), or read in shorter bursts in order to more closely analyze and interact with the material (intensive). You can do the same for listening.Both of these types of input are important and ca n help your learning in different ways.Theres evidence that extensive reading can not only aid in vocabulary retention but also increase motivation. Extensive reading may be more effective overall because it provides exposure to more material. However, intensive reading may be more important at the lower levels of learning  (the article in this link downloads automatically).As with extensive reading, there are indications that extensive listening may not only increase proficiency, but also motivation. Intensive listening may have its own distinct benefits. In one study, students who did a series of dictation exercises even discovered that  their speaking capabilities were positively affected by the listening exercises.Weve already discussed some ways to implement extensive reading above, including using graded readers. If you find readers that include reading comprehension questions or exercises for short texts, you can use these for intensive reading as well. Otherwise, try searchi ng [your target language] reading comprehension practice to find online reading exercises.For intensive and extensive listening, you may want to try keeping a listening journal. An article by Anthony Schmidt  details suggestions for engaging in and tracking intensive and extensive listening using a journal. These involve using sites like FluentU (more on this below) and TED Talks. The article is written from the perspective of an ESL teacher, but the activities can easily be adapted by independent learners for their own studies.ShadowingShadowing revolves around a pretty basic concept: You read along with an audio resource, matching its pace, intonation and pronunciation as closely as you can.It was introduced under the name shadowing by polyglot Alexander Arguelles. In its original, now rather quaint incarnation, shadowing is weirdly specific. Youre supposed to go outside with a text, corresponding recording and headphones. Then, you stand up straight while walking around, blasting yourself with the language and speaking along with it as simultaneously as possible in a loud voice.Arguelles is another one of my favorite polyglots and I love that this technique is a thing. However, Ive tried shadowing the old-school way and Im not entirely convinced that the fresh air and exercise part of it is in any way crucial.Look, it makes logical sense to me that attempting to speak along with a recording could be really effective for pronunciation. It also makes sense that occupying yourself with walking and reading while also speaking might help override your normal inhibitions and allow a deeper level of learning.But sort of like with making large amounts of SRS-optimized vocabulary input ones primary learning method, I dont think its a realistic option for the average person. I get stressed out having to go to the grocery store some days; Im not going to be out in a park seven days a week yelling in Korean and opening myself up to any number of awkward interactions.Ho wever, multiple studies have shown the basic technique of shadowing to be an effective learning method. And its simple enough to do the reading and listening part on your own, indoors or wherever you want. Its also simple to alternate shadowing with any listen and repeat prompts you encounter in language learning materials.Speaking of types of learning materialsLearning with Authentic MaterialsThere are certain advantages to using materials specifically designed for language learners. As weve explored above, learner-based content can better aid comprehensible input by better pinpointing a certain level.But there are marked advantages to using authentic materials, or materials intended for native speakers, too.From the study mentioned in the extensive reading section above, we already know that extensive reading itself may increase motivation. However, a separate study on extensive reading with online content showed that  authentic texts, specifically, may be motivating for students. Also,  the value of learning with authentic materials is somewhat self-evident. After all, interacting with authentic material is the goal, the dream. Its the ideal outcome, something that any learner will need to do eventually.The trick is balancing the need for authenticity with level-appropriate material for comprehensive input. To an extent, this is a balance you can achieve as a learner. There are some sites or programs that sort out authentic material for you. You can also use certain tricks to find level-appropriate content.Once you get to an intermediate or advanced level, the exact level of authentic material tends to be less of a concern. When youre still a beginner, however, you may find appropriate authentic material on:Shopping sites.Travel or real-estate sites.Childrens educational sites.Wikipedia.Some Wikipedia articles contain more complex sentences, sure. But they also tend to contain more cognates than your average reading material, making them easier to decipher. Additionally, they follow a certain basic format of headings and subheadings that can help you make more accurate guesses at what youre reading about.Learning with FeedbackThe importance of feedback, especially early in your learning process, is also somewhat self-evident. If you dont have any opportunity or capability to correct your mistakes, its tough to improve your language skills. The question surrounding feedback is more a question of when and how much.Feedback in the language classroom is a complicated and delicate subject. There are ongoing discussions about exactly how corrective feedback should be applied. As a learner, you dont necessarily have control over how any tutor or teacher you work with might choose to incorporate feedback. (Though you should certainly feel okay about taking some control over your own lessons.)When you learn independently, however, you dont have the potentially extremely valuable personalized feedback that a teacher can give you.But theres also something to be said for taking responsibility for your own learning.  One study  showed that students who worked out the correct answers to their own errors with other students and a teacher improved their language skills more than those who were only given corrections and a possible follow-up to ask a teacher questions.Whether or not youre primarily learning with a teacher, it may be beneficial to go over your wrong answers from tests, quizzes or apps with others. You could do this with friends, or you can get in touch with native speakers  through HiNative or another language exchange app.If youre learning on your own and have questions that require more detailed explanations, you may want to get an online tutor, even if only temporarily.Now that weve looked at some strategies you can apply to your language learning, lets look at some resources that align with them.Are Language Learning Apps and Online Programs Actually Beneficial?The short answer is yes. Heres the long answer:In 2018, The Atlantic published a piece by David H. Freedman titled How to Almost Learn Italian,  which details the authors experience using the popular language app Duolingo.In the article, Freedman talks about how he was sucked in by Duolingos addictive features but found, a week before leaving for Rome, that he didnt have the Italian language skills necessary for basic interactions. He quickly grabbed some other resources, including a phrasebook, and found he was able to cram practical language pretty effectively.In other words, it seems Duolingo hadnt given him the exact vocab he needed, but it had given him an understanding of the language that made vocab memorization easier and faster. He later got in touch with the CEO of Duolingo, Luis von Ahn, who verified that the way the app had worked for Freedman was the way it was supposed to work.This story illustrates a couple of important aspects of language apps. One is that theyre still new enough that we often dont really know what to expect from them.Another is that its only logical to assume that an app that drills you with complete sentences and gets you to study every day would be effective up to a point. It doesnt make sense to expect a language app to do everything for you, no more so than expecting a textbook to do everything for you.That doesnt mean, though, that we cant expect greater and greater developments from language apps in the future. It also doesnt mean that they arent already a wonderful tool to use now. In general, studies have linked positive results to popular language apps (well look at some in a moment).They may offer some unique positive benefits as well. For example,  researcher Fernando Rosell-Aguilar suggests  that learners may find apps useful for making errors privately and quelling performance anxiety.Here are some apps (also available to use online) you may find useful for your own learning.FluentUFluentU is unique in that it already brings together many of the strategies discu ssed above, and gives you material to practice all of them.FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like movie trailers, music videos, news, commercials, vlogs, speeches, comedy skits and moreâ€"and turns them into personalized language lessons.The program sorts these authentic videos into six levels and gives you interactive captions, customized quizzes and multimedia flashcards that can be used in a variety of ways.All of this means that you getThe opportunity to use authentic materials early on, and comprehensible input via authentic materials.Level-appropriate materials and features for both intensive and extensive reading and listening.Corrective feedback through quizzes, along with explanatory grammar notes.SRS that helps you know when its time to review words, but that you dont have to adjust yourself or think about too much.Audio that can be used for shadowing.FluentU is a great way to consolidate your learning and to hit a lot of important points in your studies. Plus, it keeps tr ack of all the vocabulary you learn, so you get a 100% personalized experience.DuolingoA study done with learners of Spanish  suggested that for beginner learners, an estimated average of 34 hours with Duolingo was roughly equivalent to a semester of college. It was found to be more effective for beginners than advanced students. It was also more effective for those who were motivated by the prospect of using the language for travel.This all seems consistent with the story linked above, and probably with what most of us already know about Duolingo: Its fun, its popular, its geared towards earlier learners and you have virtually nothing to lose by using it.Getting started is easy, and the format is simple. You work your way through a variety of quiz-like exercises that serve as lessons, and there are grammar explanations available if you need them.With Duolingo, you get corrective feedback that you can explore further on your own. Input should be fairly comprehensible since its doled out by level.Duolingo tests both your reading and listening skills, though the robotic audio can sometimes give you pronunciations that sound a bit off. It also spaces out your learning by letting you know when its time to review material youve learned.Youll eventually need more, but Duolingo has likely gotten a lot of people learning a language who wouldnt be doing it otherwise. For more on what you can expect from Duolingo, check out this New York Times article on the subject.BabbelQueens College conducted the study on Duolingo above and did a similar one on Babbel, which showed that Babbel may be even more effective than Duolingo. It was found that beginner users only needed 15 hours with Babbel to cover the equivalent of a college semester of Spanish.Ive tried Babbel myself and I havent found it as engaging as the two apps above. However, thats not the same as saying that its not effectiveâ€"in fact, I understand why it would be. Babbel is a bit more sophisticated than Duolingo and some similar apps. It focuses on practical language and situations. It allows you to interact with the language through a variety of exercises, some of which include voice recognition.With Babbel, you get intensive work with the language. You get native speaker audio thats comprehensible for your level. As with most apps, you get  corrective feedback.What you get with Babbel is probably more like what you get with classroom learning than any of the other apps on this list. If youre more of an independent learner like me, you may find that stifling, but if you want a lot of guidance, you may find its perfect for you.busuubusuus lessons are topic- and communication-based. The program covers level-appropriate material and prompts for  reading, writing, listening and speaking. With busuu, you can easily track your progress and test your level at any time. I think this is all fantastic.Personally, however, I find busuu a bit too involved for my tastes. There are different stages of each lesson you have to passâ€"there are activities and rewards and opportunities to connect with native speakers, too.For me, that feels like a bit much for one app. I enjoy gameification, but I like to have more control over my learning than busuu offers. That doesnt mean that it doesnt have advantages for those who want it all, though.Im bringing up my personal feelings about busuu and Babbel to show that, regardless of whats supposed to be efficient or effective, individual preferences can make or break whether youll actually get any studying done.On the other hand, you can miss out on a lot if you just listen to what other people say about a given product. If I wanted, I could gripe about how these apps are actually bad for language learners just because I dont prefer them myself, when solid research suggests exactly the opposite  is true.busuu has also gotten high marks in the efficacy department, falling between Babbel and Duolingo in terms of how good it is at replacing coll ege coursework (which, it should be stressed, isnt everything). Like Babbel, Im including it here because research indicates that it gets results and that a lot of people like using it. You could very well be one of them.50LANGUAGESI dont have a study to cite for this app. Im including it here because, like FluentU, it offers content that aligns well with some of the strategies discussed in this post.Its pretty basic, but its free and includes great material for beginners. Lessons are vocabulary-based, with complete sentences for context and audio recordings of each word or phrase that can be played separately or together.This makes it compatible with shadowing, comprehensible input for earlier learners and material for intensive reading and listening.It also offers corrective feedback in the form of flashcards and quizzes.Online Language Learning Course Resources: Your Structure and SupportOnline language courses come with their challenges and may not give you as thorough of an exp erience as an in-person class. However, they may still be a good option for learners who arent currently in a college class, due to the low cost and accessibility.The main catch to taking online courses may be that it takes self-discipline to actually finish them.  Harvard Business Review reports that only 4% of people who watch a Coursera lecture (see below) actually go on to do the whole course. However, many people who do complete courses report they experience practical benefits as a result.Heres where you can get your language learning course fix online.CourseraCoursera is a big name in online learning and currently has courses for Spanish, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, English, French and Russian.Its always worth checking the latest offerings. Courses are taught by professors from actual universities but can enroll thousands of people. You can generally join and complete open courses at any time for free, with certificates available for a fee.AlisonAlison is more of an all-you-can -eat buffet when it comes to language courses. You can pick and choose between specific subjects in a language, like tourism, dining out, writing skills, conversation skills, etc.They currently offer courses for English, Spanish, German, Irish, French, Chinese, Arabic, Swedish and Japanese. Like Coursera, Alison provides free materials to learners, but charges a fee for certificates.Open CultureHeres a list of free course resources that may be especially helpful if youre learning a lesser-taught language.Open Culture includes materials here for learning Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Luxembourgish, Maori, Urdu, Tagalog, Romanian and many more.Language Learning Podcasts: An Underestimated Study SupplementPodcasts can be fun, informative and, best of all, anyone can have one, right? As it turns out, the podcast format may be just as useful for language learning as for dispensing any type of information.  Multiple studies have shown podcasts to be a great all-around learning tool.Na tive-language podcasts are perfect for extensive listening practice, and some podcasts intended for language learners are great for intensive listening practice, particularly for beginners. Lets start with those.Innovative LanguageInnovative Language delivers some lessons that are available on their YouTube channels for free; others become accessible when you subscribe. Either way, you can carry engaging, level-appropriate audio featuring native speakers on your phone with you throughout the day. Lessons are currently available in 34 languages.Coffee Break LanguagesCoffee Break Languages gives you podcast-style lessons that teach French, Italian, Chinese, German and Spanish. You can access lessons for free on their website but have the option of signing up for additional content. Lessons include discussions of cultural subjects, grammar points and more.News in SlowThis collection of slowly-spoken news podcasts is fantastic for learners of Spanish, French, Italian and German.Simplifi ed audio based on cultural material is such a good language learning tool, especially around the intermediate levelâ€"though News In Slow is available for beginning, intermediate and advanced learners. Its essentially learner-friendly material with an authentic flavor.More Language Learning PodcastsLooking for more podcasts for a specific language? Here are a few lists to get you started:The 9 Most Riveting Korean Podcast Resources for Language Learners9 Elite Russian Podcasts for Winning Learners10 Awesome French Podcasts for French Learners9 Awesome German Podcasts to Accelerate Your Language Learning8 Japanese Podcasts for Accelerating Your Learning7 Italian Podcasts for Mastering the LanguageNative Language Podcasts and Radio: Necessary Language Listening PracticeSo now about that extensive, authentic listening. We already discussed why extensive listening is important. However, you may also be interested to know that even passively listening to speech while doing other activiti es  can be beneficial to your learning.Here are a couple of sources to provide you with a continuous stream of your target language.TuneInTuneIn gives you access to stations and podcasts from all over the world. Browse by language or location to find what youre looking for.RFI LanguagesDont want to spend time searching? RFI (Radio France Internationale) broadcasts world news in 16 languages.More Authentic Language PodcastsWant more? Below are some lists of radio stations and podcasts for specific languages:Authentic Brazilian Portuguese Listening in 11 Podcasts6 Native Chinese Podcasts for an Authentic Learning ExperienceThe 5 Best Spanish Talk Radio Stations to Give You Spanish Ears5 Great French Talk Radio Shows for Your Learning and Listening PleasureImprove Your German Listening with 9 Made in Germany PodcastsThe Best 3 Japanese Radio Stations and Their Top Talk Radio ProgramsTune In to the 6 Best Italian Radio Stations for Learning the LanguageLive and Breathe Russian? Check Ou t These 10 Radio Stations for Language LearningLearning Korean with Radio: 7 Essential Tips for Streaming SuccessYoull Need Lots of Foreign Language Reading Material, Too!And all the better if its free. Here are some accessible resources for your intensive and extensive reading needs.Project GutenbergYou wont find the freshest reads here, but you do get public domain texts in over 60 languages.The Foreign Language Library OnlineThis is a simple, non-intimidating resource you can use to read short articles in your target language, provided your target language is English, French, Spanish, German or Russian.You can search by language or topic category. Categories include Literature, Movies, History and In the News.Deutsche WelleHeres another news site offering up a linguistic smorgasbord. Choose from current events in 30 languages.Everything Else: Language Learning Websites for Additional Language PracticeSo at this point, weve covered almost everything in terms of language learning r esources you can access from a computer or phone, but not quite everything. There are always those resources that serve their own very specific purposes or are just handy to have bookmarked.Here are a few you might find helpful for practicing and testing your skills along the way.italkiOn italki, you can quickly find an online teacher and pay by the lesson with no long-term commitment. This makes it a convenient resource for getting speaking practice or having your language skills evaluated.Its also a great resource for  getting in-depth feedback or explanations of concepts youre struggling with.Lang-8With Lang-8, youre able to test your other language output skill: writing. On the Lang-8 website, you can write posts thatll then be corrected by native speakers, and you can provide the same service for others.Its like an open pen pal platform thats focused on corrections and more convenient for everyone. This is a good way to get personalized feedback without a teacher.Freerice.comHe res a straightforward vocabulary game that includes quizzes for English, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Latin. Theres nothing mind-blowing about it, but its an easy and fun way to memorize new words.If you play regularly enough, youll see some of the same words go by again as you work your way up through the levels, which will help you get in some review and repetition.Plus, as you play, youre earning donations for the World Food Programme.BBC LanguagesBBC Languages is just an all-around good free resource to be aware of. It gives you access to audio and video courses and links to sources for authentic materials.  Content is available for 40 languages.Whew, thats a lot! Hopefully, you see now that effective language learning isnt about any one big solution. Its more about applying certain key principles and strategies when and how you can.Most of the resources above are instantly accessible, and many of them are free. So theres no reason not to start building up a language rou tine that works for you right now.Happy learning, and have fun!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why this NBA star is setting up a school in the Democratic Republic of Congo [Video]

Why this NBA star is setting up a school in the Democratic Republic of Congo [Video] This offseason is proving to be a busy one for basketball player Bismack Biyomo Fresh off his first season playing for the Orlando Magic, former Toronto Raptors player Biyombo is hard at work on his latest passion project - helping to build schools in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Biyomo has a deep connection to the DRC. Despite having left at the age of sixteen to play basketball professionally around the world, Biyombo’s heart and mind have never strayed far from his home country. That’s why, this summer, he’s lending a philanthropic hand to his home country by setting up a bilingual school for vulnerable children living in Goma, one of the DRC’s most war-torn regions. Biyombo recently visited the Teach Away HQ to meet the team and fill us in on his latest project: Kivu International School is set to open in September 2017, enrolling male and female students at the primary and secondary level. Children in Goma - where rebel groups, despite peace accords, continue to thrive - are at high risk of being forcibly recruited as child soldiers. In the DRC, there are limited educational opportunities for young people. More than three million children are out of school in the country right now - in fact, one in five Congolese children have never stepped foot in a classroom. Millions of children across the world who live in conflict are at grave risk of growing up without the skills they need to contribute to their society and country’s economy, exacerbating an already desperate situation. In times of instability, schools don’t just offer a safe environment for learning - they restore much-needed normalcy and stability in children’s lives and play a critical part in protecting them from the trauma and physical dangers around them. Biyombo learned to play basketball never having owned a pair of shoes, walked two hours to and from school each day and frequently went hungry. While basketball helped Biyombo and his family move out of poverty, he knows that option isn’t available to every kid. That’s why we’re excited to be teaming up with Bismack Biyombo’s charity organization, to help find teachers who are passionate about making a meaningful difference in the lives of children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Ready to be a part of something big? Apply for a job teaching at Kivu International School today!

Happiness Is Not Something Ready Made

Happiness Is Not Something Ready Made Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. A quote by His Holiness the Dalai Lama Dalai Lamas are the head monk of the schools of Tibetan Buddhism. The current 14th Dalai Lama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, and is also well known for his lifelong advocacy for Tibetans inside and outside Tibet. TutorZ has Buddhism tutors working for.

Dos And Donts Of DIY Beauty Treatments

Do's And Don'ts Of DIY Beauty Treatments My personal sugar scrub. I store it in a cool, dry place and inside of an easy to open container. In an episode of  RuPaul’s Drag-U, it was said that the acids in Pepto Bismol “will pucker and tighten [one’s skin].” As tempting as it might be to emulate something you’ve seen someone do, be it on television or even in a tutorial, no treatment is flawless. In fact, in an Elle Magazine article, a doctor offered comment that Pepto “could be too drying which goes, “for any but the most oily skin.” At that point, it might be best to consult with your doctor about how to treat your skin and, if you do make a mistake and dry your skin out using a DIY beauty treatment, you may need to see the doctor anyway. So, take the extra precaution and consult a medical professional in person even if there is info floating around on the internet about it. DO NOT: Ignore your allergies in favor of a beauty treatment. No beauty treatment is worth risking your well-being.( This should go without saying, but men, women and anyone really will sometimes put their looks before their health. I’m guilty of it and I know that I have friends and family who are guilty of it, but putting your well-being on the line in the sense of having an allergy or asthma trigger around is by no means worth it. You’ll end up creating much more of a hassle by out-right ignoring something that makes you sick and/or might cause you to break out your EpiPen. The best thing to do here is to either look for an alternative beauty hack, or even go and get yourself some pre-made hypoallergenic formula at the store while you continue on in your search for a health-friendly DIY. DO: Take precaution. This might go without saying, but sometimes our impatience can get the better of us. What I mean here is, if your DIY beauty treatment involves heat or anything that could possibly be harmful, do not throw caution to the  wind. A friend recently shared a Buzzfeed video about Sugar Wax with me and the video cautions to wait 10-20 minutes for the wax to cool before using it on your body. So, the thing to do there is to actually time out the 10-20 minutes. Now, it might be wise to to time it to closer to 20 minutes because a hot wax burn could take you to the ER and no one wants that. Even if you’re not applying something hot directly to your skin but perhaps mixing it into some other ingredients, do be sure to pour slowly as not to splash the hot water everywhere and cause yourself unneeded pain. Being cautious and mindful of your actions with any DIY is a must. DO NOT: Tweak the ingredients of the DIY. This could lead to issues in the sense that, more than the recommended amount being mixed could create issues. For example, I once found a wonderful sugar scrub recipe through Pinterest. Now, I decided that I wanted to go off script and change the color of the scrub. I wanted a nice pigmented sugar scrub and decided to add an excessive amount of food coloring to my mixture. The tutorial only recommended adding about half a drop of red food coloring.  I added blue food coloring, an entirely different color than the one that was recommended. While I found the scrub to work wonderfully anyhow, I ended up with ‘Smurf hands and cheeks’ because I was so determined to have blue sugar scrub even if the blue unintentionally ended up staying on my face. While my case with the food coloring was mild, tweaking ingredient amounts might have the power to potentially make the final product less effective. Sticking to the script of a beauty treatment recipe is also a much safer route to go if you’re using something that could potentially dry out skin, such as baking soda. Happy Do It Yourself-ing but, please remember to take these dos and don’ts  of beauty treatments into consideration.

How to Choose a Tutor For Tutoring For Adults

How to Choose a Tutor For Tutoring For AdultsEvery person wants a great education and an increased sense of self-worth, but tutoring for adults can be a bit tricky if you're not sure what you're doing. Like you, they want to get the most out of their education and to make sure that they achieve this, they need to find a good tutor to work with.The first thing you should consider when looking for tutors is the reputation of tutoring for adults in the particular state or city that you live in. Tutoring for adults is important and you want to be sure that you're choosing someone who's reputable so that you can learn as much as possible. If there are any red flags or accusations of fraud or abuses of power, you want to find someone who isn't vulnerable.Second, look for someone who has experience with tutoring for adults. Some tutors don't actually need to be there all the time, and you might want to take them off the table. This could include someone who works at the college or universit y in which you wish to attend. You also want someone who has a lot of experience and knowledge working with students who are working toward your career goals.Third, find someone who has experience working with tutors who are new to the tutoring industry. Tutors who are working with tutors who aren't experienced at the beginning of their careers could easily confuse you or make some of the more difficult concepts confusing, because they are unfamiliar with how the process goes.Finally, don't choose a tutor based on how many hours they've spent working with individuals who are tutoring for adults. The reality is that the standard time frame you would be looking for in a tutor is someone who works with tutors who are in the professional world.Keep these points in mind when choosing tutors for tutoring for adults. It's always a good idea to do a little research beforehand so that you can choose a tutor who's really going to help you achieve your educational goals.When you find someone w ho will work with you to provide you with an individualized education, you'll be able to confidently show your future employers. It's a rewarding feeling knowing that you put in the time and effort to make a difference and you can show your future employers just how dedicated you are by working with an expert tutor.

Chinese Learning to Speak English - Can You Learn English?

Chinese Learning to Speak English - Can You Learn English?Chinese learning to speak English is not an easy task. It can be daunting to have a foreign language spoken fluently but we all know that fluency comes with practice and discipline. There are many things to keep in mind that will help you understand the language easier. As a learner you will need to know how to say the same words over again and in the right way so you won't sound like a fool.The main point to remember when learning English is to try and get as many words right. The words you use every day, can be really difficult to say in Chinese. There are two types of phrases. One which you use and one which you think.One thing to remember when learning Chinese is to start with the right way. When you take a class you will find many different approaches and methods for teaching. There are some that focus on memorization and are great for the beginning student. But when you learn from textbooks it's probably best to use a se lf-study program for Chinese.In China there are many resources available for English learning to speak Chinese. They will teach you the exact words and phrases, grammar and pronunciation. There are many books that are available online. Some are completely free and some will require you to pay.To learn to speak English in China, you will need to know the alphabet and numbers. You also need to have a basic knowledge of the time and date format. Since most people have never been there or speak the language they do not know how to say the time. Many students, who have been there to speak the time in their native tongue and then they have the opportunity to translate back into English.Mostof the English that is spoken in China is Cantonese. For those of you who know what that means there are many resources online to help you learn the language. Knowing the language and knowing the culture will help you build more relationships with your classmates and teachers and it will keep you motiva ted to learn more.Learning to speak English in China is an amazing experience. Learning to speak Chinese, is equally as important.

Why learn Arabic The Economic Advantages

Why learn Arabic The Economic Advantages Business Reasons to Learn Arabic ChaptersThe Arab World: A Strategic PositionThe Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)The Controllers of the Energy ReservesThe Arabic Language: An Advantage for Trade and TourismThe Arabic language has contributed a great deal to humanity's development, both culturally and in terms of education.For a long time, the rich traditions of Arabic culture have brought fresh ideas to the West, especially in the realms of  mathematics, astronomy, the physical sciences, as well as literature, and Western culture has benefited greatly from these profound intellectual contributions from the diverse countries that together form  the  Arab world.But do you really understand why it's so important, in business terms, to learn Arabic?Are you wondering why it's worth mastering this language now, in the 21st century?The Arab world, with one unifying language and dozens of dialects, benefits from a  strategic position that is unparalleled  across the globe.The Arabic language, in this unique situation, serv es as a link across 3 continents: Asia, Europe, and Africa.So what are the advantages and benefits of learning Arabic today?Most of the Arab world's nations are members of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), a gigantic economic project that strives to strengthen relationships between the countries of the Mediterranean.The Arab world holds a dominate position in the world of gas and oil production and exportation, with the Middle East accounting for 45.8% of all global crude oil exports.Speaking Arabic is now a valuable and incomparable asset on your resume, especially if you want to work in international trade or diplomacy.Lastly, links between the United States and the Middle East are very strong, with a significant shared history and increasing interactions, both commercially and culturally.Shall we go on? Let's see...Let's look at some other reasons that studying the Arabic language is truly becoming very important in the international economic sector. HalimaArabic Teacher £1 3/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KotaibaArabic Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SoledadArabic Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NancyArabic Teacher 5.00 (1) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TaouesArabic Teacher £8/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DinaArabic Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AbrarArabic Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UsamaArabic Teacher 5.00 (1) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Arab World: A Strategic PositionThe problems of the Arab world are also those of Africa and the West.When something happens, there are necessarily repercussions in other areas, due partly to geographic proximity, but also due to economic and financial interests that connect these places.Although the United States has in recent years, after the embargoes of the 1970s, found other sources for oil outside of the Middle East, we still get about 15% of our oil from the Persian Gulf, and across the globe, Middle Eastern oil accounts for almost 70% of the total reserves. So the countries of the Arab world are still major players internationally, and they hold a lot of influence over those markets and everything dependent on the precious crude material.Check out for good Arabic lessons here.The Arab world, a place of important economic changes.International trade agreements have opened the borders into Arab countries as well, with many sectors reporting significant annual increases in exports to Middle Eastern countries over the last two decades. Beyond that, with the establishment of the financial hub in the United Arab Emirates and the region in general, there are more and more business opportunities on the ground. Restaurants, retail, and construction of new homes and businesses have all been booming for a while now, with no end in sight.Learning the Arabic language, in these conditions, enables you to boost your understanding of the people who live there, and gives you a net advantage over other candidates looking for jobs in the worlds of tourism, business, energy, and even in the diplomatic sector.There are strong links between the West and the Arab world.The central role that the Arab world has in the international economy makes it a major actor in commercial trade.Culturally, there are constantly new projects between the West and the Arab World, such as the Art Dubai international art fair, or the Sharjah International Book Fair in the U.A.E. There's now a Guggenheim in Abu Dhabi, as well, and the Louvre has also forged connections.By taking an  Arabic for beginners class, whether it is at an institute, through  online lessons  offered by educational websites with trained professional teachers, or even free Arabic lessons or distance learning classes, as well as private lessons with a native speaker, with any Arabic course you'll learn more and more about these country-specific situations as they continue t o change.The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)Launched in 2008, and still perhaps unknown to a lot of Americans who don't work in international development or trade, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) works to promote economic cooperation and democratic reforms in 16 neighboring countries south of the European Union, in the North Africa and Middle East regions.The UfM is made up of 28 member states from Europe and 15 Arab countries: Algeria, Lybia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Monaco, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine, Turkey, and Syria, whose membership was suspended for obvious political reasons. With a number of these countries having Arabic as an official language, any Arabic speaking person would be a huge asset to the UfM.Discussing common goals of the North African countries.The UfM also established a way to launch regional projects that will have positive impacts on the countries involved, including in the fields of finance, natural r esources, the environment, health, culture, and immigration.Some of the proposed initiatives include:Cleaning up the Mediterranean Sea and marine habitats.Establishing sea and land trade routes to more efficiently trade between main ports.A collective civil defense program.Solar energy plants.A Euro-Mediterranean university.These are just some examples, but they should illustrate the enormous economic potential of the UfM.By taking arabic classes london or elsewhere, you'll have the opportunity to participate in some of these projects since you'll better understand the relationships between the Arab world and the West. The UfM wants to become a strong organization that acts together to combine resources and know-how to work towards a common goal.And if you want to be a part of it, take the initiative to learn Arabic, right now.The Controllers of the Energy ReservesIt's no secret that the Arab world holds a very strategically powerful position in world, especially over the regions im mediately surrounding the Middle East and North Africa.A significant portion of the world's oil and gas reserves are concentrated beneath the Arabian peninsula. About 30% of the world's oil production is done in the Arab world, while it's estimated that they control the rights to 65% of known reserves. And over 80% of the refined products are exported from these countries to the rest of the world's industrialized societies, making this is an area of the world which must be taken very seriously.A massive oil refinery in Saudi Arabia.It's easy to understand why speaking Arabic, reading Arabic, and writing Arabic can prove to be a considerable advantage when negotiating business deals in these countries, with these producers and exporters of energy.The largest countries in the Arab world are all members of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Producing Exporting Countries) and some of them are individually responsible for producing incredible quantities of oil and gas.To give you some persp ective, consider the following:Saudi Arabia exports 3 billion barrels of oil each year.Kuwait claims to have 90 billion barrels in reserve, while the United Arab Emirates claims to have 92 billion.Iran is responsible for producing 9% of the world's oil, with 1.5 billion barrels per year.Iraq sits on 112 billion barrels in reserve, while their production is currently only at a half billion barrels per year.These numbers very easily show that the Arab world is a very important place when it comes to energy resources, especially with the production and exportation of oil.Like any language, Arabic is a complex web of adjectives, verbs, nouns and grammar, but through learning basic Arabic you will pick up enough phrases and Arabic words to have a conversational level which will allow you to  work in these petro-businesses and participate in their growing economies.And a more intensive study of Arabic conjugation, reading, and writing will only enhance your proficiency to communicate with native speakers.The Arabic Language: An Advantage for Trade and TourismThis might seem obvious, but we'll point it out nonetheless: Arabic language learning will open lots of doors for you, especially if you want to work in the areas of trade or tourism, due to how difficult it is to learn. Mastering the Arabic alphabet or Arabic pronunciation is no mean feat. But the understanding you will gain of Arab culture will stand you in good stead to succeed in sectors such as these.While the rest of the world focuses on language courses in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese Chinese, and Japanese, Arabic will prove to be an excellent decision in order to break into these fields.The Arabic language is the 5th most common language spoken in the world, used by 300 million native speakers living in at least 57 countries.For trade and financial markets in places like Libya, Algeria, the United Arab Emirates, or anywhere else in the Middle East, Arabic is the language that will help reinforce your professional skill set.Learning to speak Arabic is a plus for your resume.And with recent geo-political events, speaking Arabic allows you to better understand the complex issues of the world today.In the field of tourism, Arab countries are among the luxury vacation destinations, particularly the renowned places like Tunisia, Qatar, and the U.A.E. It's also worth noting that more and more these days, countries like Morocco, Algeria, Egypt and other countries on the Mediterranean coast are profiting from an increasing interest from vacationers who want an exotic getaway.Even if different Arabic  dialects are more often spoken in these regions (and it's worth pointing out that the Moroccan dialect  doesn't really correspond to what's spoken in Lebanon, for example), it's recommended that beginners learn Literary Arabic (also known as Modern Standard Arabic) because it's easier to learn and a necessary first step to learning any of the other dialects. At the end of the day, Pales tinian Arabic is very different from Egyptian Arabic, which in turn is different from Moroccan Arabic.You can even become an Arabic-English translator to work in such fascinating fields as journalism, tourism, economics, or diplomacy.Learning the Arabic language can have several positive economic influences in the sense that you will better understand the political context and be able to work in the Arab world.While you learn Arabic vocabulary, you'll discover a huge amount about the countries, the traditions, the customs and the role of Islam and the Quran throughout the Muslim world. As you do business in different Arabic speaking countries, all of these things will be invaluable to your continued  understanding of the many distinct  Arab nations.So why not learn Arabic? There are wide ranging benefits of learning Arabic and you'll develop a new skill and put it to work in an exciting field like economics, tourism, or translation.Isn't that tempting?